joi, 30 iunie 2011

Rebeli cibernetici care au trecut de partea legii

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Hacker-ul George Hotz, cunoscut drept Geohot, a trecut de curand de partea “binelului”, angajandu-se la Facebook, dupa ce cativa a tulburat gigantii din industrie. Hacker-ul in varsta de 21 de ani, a devenit cunoscut dupa ce a dezvoltat o serie de coduri si instrumente, care i-au permis sa ruleze copii ilegale de jocuri pe consola PlayStation 3.Insa inainte de aceasta realizare, GeoHot a fost printre...

Mark Zuckerberg mai bogat decat Steve Jobs

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Desi nu a implinit nici macar 30 de ani, Mack Zuckerberg, fondatorul Facebook, ocupa locul trei in topul celor mai bogati baieti din industrie, informeaza publicatia Time.Datorita unor noi investitori, valoarea de piata a Facebook a ajuns la 70 de miliarde de dolari, ceea ce a contribuit si la sporirea averii lui Zuckerberg, care valoreaza acum 18 miliarde de dolari.La o asemenea cifra, CEO-ul...
miercuri, 29 iunie 2011

Social Engineering / Inginerie Sociala – Part 3 -

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Deoarce ingineria sociala exploateza factorul uman, ca veriga cea mai slaba dintr-o organizatie,cea mai eficienta metoda de aparare este educarea oamenilor.Totusi nu trebuie uitat si partea tehnologica(pshingul poate fi evitat, daca ar exista un browser care le-ar detecta).Apararea pe mai multe niveluriMulti-level Defense against Social Engineering:1.Foundation Level: Politici de securitate impotriva igineriei sociale2.Parameter Level: Security-awarness pentru useri3.Fortress Level: Training de calitate pentru personalul cheie4.Persisence Level:...

Social Engineering / Inginerie Sociala – Part 2 -

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Unul din scopurile principale al un inginer social este acela de a aflaparole.Acest lucru nu este suprinzator avand in vedere ca parolele sunt cele mai comune metode de autentificare.FACTSO organizatie(Infosecurity Europe), a facut un test in 2004 pentru a aflat cat de informati sunt oamenii dintr-o companie in legatura cu confidentialitatea parolelor, care ar furniza informatii ce se gasesc pe PC-ul...

Social Engineering / Inginerie Sociala -Part I –

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Securitatea ar trebui sa fie de o mare importanta in fiecare business, din moment ce o bresa in securitate ar afecta atat valoare companiei cat si imaginea acesteia. Acestea fiind spuse, companiile se bazeaza orbeste pe tehnologii ce le-ar putea oferi acest tip de securitate, ignorand cea mai slaba veriga din sistem ” omul”. In cele ce urmeaza va voi prezenta succint ce inseamna “social engineering”...
marți, 28 iunie 2011 website down in apparent Wikileaks-motivated internet attack

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MasterCard's website is currently inaccessible following what appears to be a WikiLeaks-inspired internet attack against it.In what appears to be the latest salvo by hactivists, the website is thought to be suffering from a denial-of-service attack - where an internet site is bombarded with a large amount of traffic making it impossible for genuine visitors to access it.A Twitter user...

Why the Internet Is Fundamentally Less Secure Than It Used To Be

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Your company's data is only as secure as the weakest security of the most fly-by-night website to which anyone in your organization has ever given their password.Think about that for a moment: One of your summer interns used the same password on your company intranet as they use on the hacked-together open source message board on which they swap stories with their friends about how awesome...

British LulzSec hacking accused bailed

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A British teenager charged with attacking websites as part of the international hacking group Lulz Security was released by a court on bail yesterday after being diagnosed with autism.Ryan Cleary, 19, was arrested one week ago and charged two days later with offences including hacking into the website of the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA), the British equivalent of the FBI.A court on Saturday...

Anonymous launches hacking lessons at School4Lulz

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Anonymous has issued a beginner's guide to hacking online under the title, School4Lulz.With the disbandment of hacker group LulzSec, the online 'hacktivist' collective is clearly looking for buddies to continue its fight under the banner Operation InfoSec - and one way of recruiting fellow travellers, it seems, is to issue them with a Hacking 101.School4Lulz is available at the group's 'Lolhackers'...